'Stepping Into...' Study Guides
Pastor Mark starts a new series for 2022 -
"Stepping Into".
Our faith requires us to take steps but we can be sure that God has gone before us and is with us as we take those steps.
Fear can stop your gifts from operating and prevent you from fulfilling what God has called you to do. Fear can stop us stepping into new areas. Pastor Brian unpacks how we can overcome our fear.
Ps Mark explores some of the key principles we can learn about Godly leadership from the book of Nehemiah.
Ps Mark explores how we can learn from Acts 6-8 that God is present with us in times of uncertainty. Indeed, our faith doesn't reduce uncertainty but instead should embrace it.
Dr Grace looks at what makes a strong family - through the lens of Ephesians 5.
On Easter Sunday we look at God's eternal plan of Grace, accomplished through what Jesus did on the cross and through his resurrection. A priceless, life-changing gift offered
to all, we just have to accept it.
Deborah explores the Kingdom Principle of Generosity, where the world's way of buying and selling are replaced with God's way of giving and receiving.
There is a freedom we can only experience through forgiveness. So why is it that we find it so hard to forgive others? Ps Mark explores what we can do to ensure that the forgiving power of heaven can be activated in our lives.
Dr Grace reminds us that we be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
Dr Grace looks at the marks of Spiritual Maturity and reminds us that it is a journey that lasts throughout our lives and is visible in our actions.
We are all called to encourage each other and build each other up (1 Thess. 5:11). Pastor Mark unpacks the importance of encouragement in our lives.
Our habits have a big Influence on our life, they form our character. Jesus was intentional in forming good habits. We should follow his example knowing that our habits have great power and can impact every area of our lives.
Godly vision Messes with us, Matures in us and Multiplies through us. A vision captures your dreams and lifts your heart and passion to build something of great value.
John Stott said that "Pride is your greatest enemy, humility is your greatest friend." Pastor Mark contrasts these two mindsets and shows from 1 Peter 5 how humility Builds Strength and Stability.
God so desires unity that he will always provide ways to overcome what divides us. We just need the desire to find them.
Brian's message digs into the phrophetic promise of Jesus and shows how our "Hope", or "Tikva" in Hebrew, is not just some dream or weak expectation, it is in fact a certain expectation, something we hold on to and something foretold throughout scripture.
How do we increase our faith? How do we exercise our faith muscle? Are we ready to come to the end of what we can do – and step into the realm of what God can do through us?
Dr Grace explores the story of Abraham's servant and Rebekah and shows how the power of serving is not in what we do, but is in who we are.
Deborah reminds us of the source of our spiritual authority - God has breathed His life into us and has given us authority over all the power of the enemy.
Ps Mark explores Acts 8 to see how the unexpected can lead to open doors for God's Kingdom to enter into new places and for the Holy Spirit to move in and through us.
Brian examines how stepping into a wilderness experience can be solitary and unfamiliar but also full of grace and spiritual activity.
Brian walks us through the significance of Jesus sacrifice as a "firstfruits" offering, and because of that, we are free to carry our God’s purpose for our lives. All that needed to be done has been done.
Ps Mark explores how God's Kingdom is growing in our world and is unstoppable. He asks us to consider what could grow in us, in our church and beyond our profile.
On the weekend that we celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, Deborah looks at the importance of commitment in our Christian walk.
When it comes to God's timing, it is important to remember He created time but is also outside of time. His Kingdom has a rhythm and if we allow ourselves to work within His timing, we can experience His "Kairos" (divine) timing in our lives.
Real transformation requires real honesty. If we want to move forward – we have get real with ourselves. God's process of transforming us starts with transforming how we think.
Isaiah 43 tells us that when we go through deep waters God will be with us. Deborah explores how God calls us into deep waters for reason and purpose.
Acts tells us that all the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.
Pastor Mark encourages us to see the Power of Fellowship.
Brian walks us through the seven Jewish festivals to help us see that they are a picture of Jesus, and to show how we are living between the fulfilment of 4th and 5th of them.
"An idol is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, and anything that you seek to give you what only God can give." Tim Keller.
Brian explores the difference between devotion to God v Idols.
In John 14:6 Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." Dr Grace expounds how Jesus is the absolute Truth: The Truth upon which all other truths are weighed, reviewed and judged!
John 8 v 12 says that: When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
Pastor Mark looks at Daniel's life, noting how he encountered God's spiritual strength by taking OUT what did damage and putting IN Consistent Spiritual Disciplines.
If God loves, then it is because He chooses to do so out of His perfect knowledge and will. His love is in perfect harmony with His will, character, holiness, and His purpose in redemption.
Ps Edgar Monterroso looks at four characteristics of David's Mighty Men, that help us discover what truly courageous people are willing to do.
Deborah looks at how restoration in our lives can propel us towards all God has for us. She explores the strategies David and Paul used to move from a place of brokenness to a place of restoration.
Jesus modeled the Ultimate “Life Changing Attitude". He gave up His divine privileges and humbled himself in obedience to God - and God elevated him.
Sofi encourages us examine our own hearts, minds and attitudes when it comes to adopting missional thinking. If God cared enough to give His only son, we should ask ourselves - do we care as God cares?
A recent survey showed that 55% of those who described themselves as Christians 'never' read their Bible. Brian explains how Reading God's word is vital to the believer. It’s the primary place where we learn about God.
We all have responsibilities, from home life, to work and also in God's Kingdom. Ps Mark looks at some lessons from the life of Joseph to show how God both positions us and equips us for the responsibility He has given to us.
Jesus told his disciples - "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men". Luke explores how we can all become more effective "fishers of men".
1 Peter 1:15-16 says "but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy”. Brian helps us see that Godly holiness is rooted in our character and in our daily lives.
Pastor Abraham (Leader of the New India Church of God) gives us an inspiring message of what happens when we go deeper with Jesus.
Dr. Grace unpacks what it is to understand what Spiritual Awareness is, according to God's Word and what that should mean for us as Christians.
Deborah points us towards understanding how all of God's provision is contained within His Kingdom. We need to be living with a Kingdom mindset.
Our Worship Leader, Sofi, explores what a life of Genuine Worship looks like. Taking the example of the "sinful woman" in Luke 7, who poured all she had that was of worth at the feet of Jesus.
Ecclesiastes tells us that God has planted eternity in the human heart. Ps Mark examines how living in the light of eternity changes your priorities including our Faith, our Fuel, our Fire and our Focus.
Brian explains how peace comes through Jesus. Peace comes when God's favour rests on us - it is not automatic, we must respond to God's grace in order to experience God's peace in our lives.
Pastor Mark brings to a close our Stepping Into series, with a brief look back at what God has done over the past year and an encouragement to stay close to God this year, in order to see his power working in and through us.